Hello! My name is Victoria, and I am currently working as a P5 tutor in European International School of Barcelona, Sant Cugat. I have been working and living in Spain for 13 years, having divided my time between Valladolid and Barcelona working in different International, Private schools. I am from Wales, in the United Kingdom, where I studied my University degree, and teaching diploma.  I am passionate about teaching and language learning, and am constantly furthering my knowledge through educational courses. I speak fluent English, Spanish, and have a working level of French and a basic level of Catalan. 

View Victoria Overton's profile on LinkedIn
  • Childhood in the Digital Age
  • Professional Practices for English Language Teaching
  • Diploma in Educational Psychology
  • Fundamentals of Childhood and Youth Studies
  • Introduction to Translation
  • Taller de Primers Auxilis
  • Understanding Autism
  • Exploring Children's Learning
  • Curso de Catalán para extranjeros
  • La Pizarra Digital: Uso en el Aula
  • Lectoescritura en Inglés en Educación Infantil y Primer Ciclo Educación Primaria
  • Enseñanza Lúdica a Través de las Nuevas Tecnologías
  • La Clase con Herramientas Digitales Usando Libro Web
  • Primeros Auxilios en el Entorno Escolar
  • Iniciación al Uso Didáctico de la Intranet Escolar
  • Entrenamiento En Habilidades Sociales y Asertividad
  • Pautas para la Elaboración de Informes Trimestrales y observaciones sobre el Alumnado
  • Understanding Dyslexia
  • The role of play in Children's learning

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